Moving While Pregnant Tips

Welcoming a new life into the family is so thrilling and you’ll hopefully be able to have a blissful and peaceful nine months of waiting for that precious creature to arrive. This new exciting chapter may bring the urge to move to a bigger home or a nicer one, move closer to your family, move in pursuit of a better career, or just move − for any other reason. Regardless of why you have to relocate, pregnancy can make the process more challenging. You may feel nausea, morning sickness, or lack of energy, so moving while expecting a child can bring more stress to you. If you’re concerned about how to go through your relocation smoothly, we’ve got you. To help you move with ease, we’ve created this helpful guide. Carry on reading to find our moving while pregnant tips that will help you in reducing moving stress.

Pack hospital bag first

Before you even begin moving preparations, go ahead and pack a hospital bag. If you start packing your household items before separating necessities for the hospital, they may get misplaced or buried under a pile of boxes and you want to avoid digging through multiple boxes just to find your shower shoes or any other item.

Bring your records

Make sure to bring your medical records because you’ll need them once you find a new doctor. Also, keep in mind that it’ll be difficult to find a new obstetrician if you’re more than 24-28 weeks pregnant, so work your way around that fact.

Chat with your doctor

You must check with your doctor if it’s safe for you to travel long-distance or lift any boxes during the move. If you get a negative answer, just sit that one out and find other ways to stay busy and contribute to the moving process. For example, you can download a free app and create an inventory list – you’ll be helpful without risking any complications.

Pick the right time

When it comes to moving while you’re pregnant, you shouldn’t wait for the last semester to do so. The first or second trimesters are usually the best time to move, although nausea and morning sickness may spoil your plans for that perfectly smooth relocation. You have to figure out what’s the best time for you and your specific situation, which is why it’s important that you follow the next tip.

Get that extra help

When moving while pregnant, it’s important you know your limitations. Don’t try to be a hero and do everything yourself − get all the help you can instead. That’s doesn’t mean you should only get helpers on moving day; you should actually get extra helping hands during preparations for moving. If you need to pack and clean, there’s no shame in hiring professional packers and professional cleaners. Take it easy on yourself while doing the most important job in the world – keeping your baby safe. Luckily, you can find moving labor and other services and pay an hourly rate, so it’s a win-win.

Line up a relative or babysitter

If you have more kids, you’ll want them to be looked after on moving day so you could focus on relocation and not have another thing on your mind. Ask if some of your family members or trusted friends could take care of your children for the day or go ahead and hire a babysitter. By doing so, you won’t have to provide snacks and entertainment for your little ones in the middle of the relocation process.

Babysitter help while moving while pregnant

Color code

If you wonder how to label moving boxes, use this simple method. Label each moving box using one color. You’ll have one color for each room in your new home, for example, red for the living room, green for the bathroom, blue for your kitchen, etc. The reason to go for color code is that it will make the unloading process much faster – movers won’t have to come to you every minute to ask where which box goes.

Listen to your body

While you’re pregnant your energy levels are not the same as before pregnancy, you’re likely to be tired and you must listen to your body if it tells you to rest. A power nap is not going to spoil your moving, so take care of your body before anything else. Have snacks and refreshments on you in case you get a sudden craving or feel your energy levels going down.

Put the baby gear on hold

Even if you’re expecting your first child, you know how much staff the baby needs and those things will take up so much space in your home. Do yourself a favor and wait to buy baby gear and make a baby shower after you move. You’ll save yourself some money and avoid stress for not bringing diapers from the old home to a new one.

Baby Gear

Keep baby things in original packaging

Even with postponing the baby shower for after relocation is done, you’re still likely to receive some gifts from friends and family members while you’re expecting. What you can do in this case is keep those items in their original boxes, simply because it’s much easier to move what’s already packed than to unpack and do the job twice.


Hopefully, our tips will help you with your residential moving while pregnant. The most important thing to do when moving while pregnant is to keep a positive mindset and put yourself and your baby first – that means that you must rest if you feel like you need to, have a snack if you get a craving, take a break if you feel overwhelmed, and keep yourself hydrated. If you’re still looking for that perfect moving company to assist with your upcoming move, reach out to your reliable NYC movers. Here, at TWO GUYS AND TRUCK Moving, we’ll be happy to help with your relocation and answer any questions you might have. Contact us today and receive a free moving quote.

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