How to Prepare Your Home Quickly for a Move

Whether it’s the rapidly moving real estate market or a case of time flying by, sometimes you have to move in a hurry. Although it’s less than ideal, it can be done! A little bit of strategy can help a short timeline feel less overwhelming. Here’s how to prepare your home quickly for a move.

Start with moving logistics

Hiring a professional moving company is best done well in advance, but a last-minute move doesn’t afford you that luxury. Get a general sense of what services you will need on moving day, like piano moving or art packing. Then get a couple of moving quotes as soon as possible. 

Keep in mind that moving in a hurry may mean you can’t get your first-choice moving date. You might need to be a bit more flexible in order to work with a reputable moving company. Keep your standards of professionalism high and your calendar as open as possible.

Make a list of any other logistics that need to be tackled immediately. Alert your utility companies of your moving date, change your address with the Post Office and your banks, and confirm your move-out and move-in dates with your realtor or landlord. Once you have these tasks out of the way, you can focus on preparing your home!

Make packing easier

Some might think that throwing everything in boxes and sorting on the other end would be faster. In truth, it makes more sense to pare down your belongings first. Think of it this way: if you have less stuff to pack, the packing goes faster! Go through each room systematically and pull out anything that should be trashed or donated. Aim for practicality (“I haven’t worn this in two years”) rather than getting sentimental about each item. Gather all of your donations and drop them off in one trip if possible.

If you have furniture to get rid of, there are many organizations that will help organize a pick-up for that couch or table. Have a look at our moving blog to see which of the many options will work best for you.

Gather your moving essentials bag

Before things get any more chaotic, gather all of the essentials you can’t afford to misplace. Your phone charger, identification, medications, basic toiletries, and some extra clothes will be important to have on moving day. If you are moving long distance, your bag should include a few changes of clothes and your travel accessories too. And if you’re moving during extreme weather, plan ahead: extra gloves and layers for winter, a raincoat and boots for stormy season, and so on.

All of your important moving documents should go in your essentials bag, too. That includes your moving company contract, the Certificate of Insurance for moving day, your new lease, and a list of important contact information.

Ask for help

If you have children or pets, you’ll be better able to focus on your last-minute move if they aren’t underfoot. Ask for help keeping your little ones safe and entertained while you scurry around. Have a friend or family member take your dog for their walks, or send them off to daycare or boarding for a bit. Everyone will be happier, you’ll be less stressed, and your move can get underway quicker. 

Your family and friends may also be willing to help with other tasks, like carting off your donated items or cleaning out the refrigerator. This isn’t a time to try to be superhuman. To help your move go as smoothly as possible, let them help!

Hire a team of professional packers

When it really comes down to the wire and you don’t have time to pack your whole home, let the professional packers do it. They have a system for getting everything safely packed, and more hands make for light work! The moving team will carry your boxes away and, in no time flat, your old home will be empty. In the end, preparing your home quickly for a move doesn’t have to be quite as chaotic as you thought. 

Here at TwoGuysAndTruck Moving, we specialize in stress-free moving. Get a guaranteed moving quote and let us help!

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